Website Copywriting


You have an idea for your business and you’re about to build your website – I’ll come in to help you craft clear, engaging, and intuitive copy that speaks to your audience and drives results. From your homepage, to your services page, to your “Contact Us” page, we can work together to ensure that your copy aligns with your brand identity and sets your business apart. End-to-end copywriting for your website is priced at $500 USD. A single web page is priced at $125 USD.

As a business, one of the best investments you can make is in building effective Mission & Vision statements. These will communicate to customers who you are, what you do, what pain point your business solves and what your unique value proposition is. As an add-on, I can work closely with you to discover these elements and ultimately arrive at carefully-crafted, concise Mission & Vision statements that can be placed on your website.

Adding a blog to your website is a great way to drive traffic, increase brand equity, and boost your site’s rankings. As an add-on, I offer a blog writing service where we can work together to segment your blog audiences, niche out your topics, and come up with interesting titles. One blog post is 200-300 words and written to include keywords to boost your SEO. One blog post is priced at $100 USD.

Launching your website or your blog will most likely come with an email outreach campaign – when that email lands in your customer’s inbox, you want to make sure the “Register”, “Sign Up”, or take whatever action your CTA entails. The way to do that is with effective copy that genuinely speaks to your customers. As an add-on, I offer email outreach copywriting where we can work together to see what the goal behind your campaign is and how we can drive the results you want. One outreach campaign, which is usually comprised of 3 emails, is priced at $75 USD.

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